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A parallel requirement is the ability to connect online with those creating and using the project documents. This ensures that:
● users access only the latest and most
complete information
● those with special requirements, such as
volume builders and designers providing specialised services, can ensure their own o ce masters remain in line with changes in standards, codes and industry best practice.
Industry collaboration
A pan-industry discussion on BIM is in progress to ensure that BIM technology leads to industry-wide collaboration on construction projects.
This effort is supported by the BIM Acceleration Committee and involves:
● New Zealand Institute of Architects
● Institution of Professional Engineers New
● New Zealand Institute of Building
● New Zealand Institute of Quantity
● Specialist Trade Contractors Association.
Object library necessary
A key element in a BIM-based future is a trusted library of construction objects that meets the needs of leading CAD systems. Signi cant investment will be needed to achieve such an object library. However, technical reference group workshops have been held among leading industry organisa- tions in the UK, New Zealand and Australia.
The intention is to develop an interna- tional BIM object standard, creating a core international standard suitable for use within all three countries.
Recognising that local and regional requirements di er, a localised and regional Part B will be added to the standard. This
allows other countries to use their own localised and regional Part B, with the core standard remaining unchanged.
A quality future
Improved quality is the aim, and the tools o ering the ability to link speci cations, drawings and other related project data are now available. If project documents are to meets the needs of a technology-rich future, everyone must accept the need to improve the quality of construction documentation. They will, by using the new tools and the information sources they connect.
Patrick Clifford, former NZIA President and NZIA gold medallist notes:
‘The sector needs information it can rely on, delivered using tools that ensure quality documentation.’
Build 152 — February/March 2016 — 71

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