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Investing in construction quality
The beauty of BIM is that it streamlines construction to deliver better and more cost-e ective buildings. For this, it must have quality information, making a regularly maintained speci cation database essential.
A CURRENT CHALLENGE for the construc- tion industry is improving the creation, delivery and use of project documentation.
Quality speci cation data, how this infor- mation is then delivered to speci ers and the quality of tools that turn this data into construction-ready project documentation all require attention.
BIM is the enabler
BIM (building information modelling) o ers an exciting future solution for our industry, but it requires the highest quality of data to realise its potential.
Key deliverables are accurate and complete construction speci cations, coor- dination of speci cation data and project drawings and confirming how products comply with the New Zealand Building Code. Training at tertiary, trade and professional levels is another essential element.
A number of industry organisations, including Registered Master Builders Association and New Zealand Institute of
Architects (NZIA), are investigating how best to meet these challenges. They are achieving this through direct investment and by part- nering with overseas organisations such as NBS (UK) and Natspec (Australia).
Creating quality specs
An aim for both industry organisations is developing the technology to create accurate, up-to-date and project-speci c specifications. The challenge is gaining broad industry acceptance of the need for improvements in quality while providing a verifiable and dependable source of construction information. This includes:
● accurate, up-to-date speci cation data
● a means of delivering this data to speci ca-
tion writers
● a way to manipulate this data, quickly
and accurately
● an ongoing, live connection with those
producing speci cations, to ensure data always meets current standards, codes and changes in technology
● a method of providing viable links between speci cation data and other construction documents, including drawings, whether CAD or BIM based.
Speci cation database needed
A key requirement is a rich, constantly maintained speci cation database, which specifiers access through an intuitive interface. This should be partnered with intelligence and guidance to allow the rapid creation of a dependable and fully customised project specification that complies with industry best practice and the Building Code.
Using keynoting, integrated with leading information modelling software such as Revit and Archicad, specification data is coordinated with and connected to project drawings.
By adding the ability to connect speci ca- tions and drawings to data on construction products, all essential project information can be fully coordinated.
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