
Each Build offers in-depth insights into two topics of interest to the building and construction industry.

Build202 feature 2 hero

Feature section: Healthy homes

Build 202

Kiwis don't have to put up with homes that are cold and damp in winter and overheat in summer.

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Feature section: Sustainability

Build 202

The circular economy is gaining strength in the building and construction sector but there's much more to do.

Build201 feature 1 hero

Feature section: Technology

Build 201

Technology is transforming the building and construction industry. Where
do the possibilities lie?

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Feature section: Waste management

Build 201

Increasingly, construction waste is being diverted for reuse.
It's a change that recognises the importance and value of the
circular economy.

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Feature section: A look back

Build 200

Floods seemed to dominate 2023 but there were plenty of other concerns for builders.

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Feature section: Legislation update

Build 200

2023 saw plenty of legislative changes with more to come in 2024.

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Feature section: Mātauranga Māori

Build 199

Māori design elements and cultural mores are increasingly being considered in building construction, particularly significant commercial projects.

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Feature section: Retrofitting

Build 199

What is the optimal approach to retrofits? BRANZ is investigating.

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Feature section: Fire

Build 198

Urban densification is causing problems for firefighters as
access becomes an issue.

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Feature section: Innovation

Build 198

There’s no time to stand still as innovative new technology changes the face of the industry, with AI the new big thing.