Page 44 - Build 153
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Play by the new asbestos rules
Do your workers remove asbestos or asbestos-containing material? Perhaps building, roo ng, plumbing or demolition? Here’s a heads up about changes to asbestos-related work in force from 4 April.
THE ASBESTOS REGULATIONS are being updated to bring New Zealand in line with other countries. With more than 170 New Zealand workers dying each year from asbestos-related diseases, our work practices need to improve.
New regulations to keep people safe
Under the new regulations, a licence is required to remove more than 10 m2 of non-friable (bonded) asbestos or asbestos-containing material (ACM) in one job or any friable asbestos (see Table 1). The licence will be issued by the government health and safety agency WorkSafe New Zealand.
The new licensing system for asbestos removal ensures that people removing asbestos have the necessary skills and experience to keep themselves, and others, safe.
Is it asbestos and is it friable?
If you suspect the material is asbestos but don’t know, get a sample tested. If a lab is taking a sample, you can ask them for an opinion on the friability of the material.
Friable means asbestos in a powder form or that can be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry.
Non-friable asbestos is not in a powder form or cannot be crum- bled, pulverised or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry. For example, an asbestos cement sheet in good condition.
Licence or no licence from 4 April?
Below are some common examples of building, plumbing or electrical work with a guide to whether an asbestos removal licence is needed. Non-friable asbestos
Work involving the removal of non-friable asbestos includes:
● so t removal
● removing cement roo ng sheets
● removing external wall cladding or textured ceilings
● replacing lino  ooring.
A Class B licence will be required from 4 April 2016 if you’re removing over 10 m2 of non-friable asbestos containing material.
42 — April/May 2016 — Build 153

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