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Industry roles
Map to guide careers
BRANZ’s project developing a construction industry careers map has now mapped 193 roles across the industry. We take a peek at what the map may look like once it’s available on a careers website.
OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS, BRANZ has engaged with the construction and infrastruc- ture industry, educational institutions and central government to create a career develop- ment map. In Build 146, Mapping roles (page 72) and Build 147, Career insights (page 80), we looked at the initial stages of this project.
Career steps mapped out
BRANZ’s career development map will help with the frequently asked question, ‘What’s my next career step?’ It shows common pathways into and between 193 roles in the industry. At present, many of these roles have little or no existing information about what they actually are, how to get there and where to next.
The map will assist individuals of all ages and experience to explore and discover their career options, opportunities and possible next steps. It will also give businesses an understanding of the current quali cations and the career progression possibilities to aid with sta  retention.
How does it work?
The map is divided into 12 sectors that make up the construction and infrastruc- ture industry, with 193 roles across these sectors. Each role is represented by an orange circle and is connected by orange lines, representing transitions between the roles (see Figure 1).
A transition outlines what is needed to progress from one role to another, for example, the quali cations, examinations and practical experience. In all, 269 transi- tions have been identi ed.
Each role and transition is detailed in an information database. This includes:
● job characteristics
● market salary range
● quali cations
● fees
● personal attributes
● career progression
● links to relevant external sources – speci c
university qualifications or industry associations.
Brings together disparate information
It is encouraging just how much information is currently available, although much of it is disparate, fragmented and not easily accessible. BRANZ has been on a journey with industry to create the career map with overarching, graphical career information.
The map brings together much of the existing information to holistically represent the construction and infrastructure industry – it’s by industry for industry.
Industry panel key part of research
The career map project began with an online survey to understand user needs, with over 1,000 responses received.
A panel of industry organisations, industry training organisations, polytechnics, univer- sities, central government and education and career advice representatives provided industry knowledge, connections and advice.
The panel attended BRANZ workshops throughout the map development to ensure accuracy and co-develop the pathways. The
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