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Trading Up
Hi Reg, long time no see. I’ve got news – just landed my first contract as a Registered Master Builder. What about yourself?
Absolutely, it’s pretty cool. Judging was last week.
If it’s anything
like the winery,
it will be amazing. Got a Gold didn’t it?
It’s a bit of a nervous wait until the big gala event in May. You should come along – it’s a great chance to see what’s being built around the country.
That’s fantastic! Remember this winery I entered
in the Commercial Project Awards last year? Well,
I’ve just finished the restaurant there.
Nice! Guess you’ll be entering that too?
Yeah, I was pretty pleased with that.
Sounds like a great night out. Count me in!
Good to see the smaller projects getting recognised.
For more information go to 0800 762 328
Building excellent bene ts for excellent builders

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