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Wynyard buildings have stars
Two buildings in Auckland’s VXV precinct have achieved 5 Green Star Design ratings, denoting New Zealand excellence for sustainability. The new Fonterra headquarters has rainwater storage, a high- performance double-glazed façade and energy monitoring. Meanwhile, the Datacom building has energy monitoring, recycling waste storage and a high-performance façade.
New CEO for XLam
Gary Caul eld has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive O cer for XLam, replacing Robin Jack, the company’s founder. Speaking about the new appointment, Robin Jack said, ‘Gary brings us a wealth of world-class, innovative construction and exemplary leadership experience. He has successfully delivered major prefabricated construction projects in New Zealand and overseas, including involvement in design,  nance, legal and site management.’
Planners’ conference
The New Zealand Planning Institute is holding its national conference in Dunedin on 12–15 April. A focus will be on the Resource Management Act reforms and the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into urban planning.
For more Visit
Zero net energy buildings needed
Terri Willis, CEO of the World Green Building Council, says all new buildings will have to be net zero by 2030 if global warming is to be kept to a 2° increase. ‘If we continue to build the way we are right now, then we’re on track to achieving 6° of global warming. We cannot let that happen, as the results would be catastrophic.’
New safety award
Site Safe and the New Zealand Institute of Building (NZIOB) have announced a new health and safety award as part of the 2016 BOINZ Awards for Excellence. The award will be open to anyone working in the built environment who is in a position to influence best-practice health and safety initiatives, innovations and behaviours.
For more Visit
A ordable housing at Hobsonville
An Auckland Council-owned site will be part of a new Special Housing Area at Hobsonville Point in Auckland.
THE 20-HECTARE SITE, formerly part of the Hobsonville Airforce Base, was designated for housing late last year following previous attempts to have it allocated as a marine precinct.
More than 440 homes are planned for the residential component of the site under the Air elds master plan developed by Panuku Development Auckland.
As the whole site is a Special Housing Area, at least 10% of the homes in the Air elds development will be a ordable.
Panuku Director of Development Allan Young says it is a signi cant step for the development.
‘With its harbour views, Hobsonville Point has proven extremely popular as a place to live, and it’s important that a broad range of homebuyers get a chance to experience that lifestyle.’
Green EU
GREEN BUILDING COUNCILS in 13 European countries are participating in BUILD UPON, a collaborative building reno- vation project to reduce emissions from buildings.
Emissions from buildings account for 36% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions. The project supports governments, industry and civil society to deliver national renovation strategies.
These are long-term plans on how homes and commercial buildings can be renovated to high standards of energy e ciency that are required by 30 April under EU law.
4th quarter housing
NZ highest activity in
Build 153 — April/May 2016 — 13

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