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Global green building trends
A US report on the global green building market found that green building continues to double every 3 years.
WORLD GREEN BUILDING TRENDS 2016 Smart- Market report, prepared by Dodge Data & Analytics in the US, found that global commitment to green building is trans- forming the built environment.
Key  ndings
Emerging economies such as India and South Africa will be engines of green growth in the next 3 years with development growing sixfold over current levels. Expansion will also continue in developed countries like the US, Germany and the UK.
However, green building is now 24% of all building activity, down from 38% in 2012. Respondents forecast that more than 60% of their projects will be green by 2018.
Other key  ndings:
● Client demand is a top trigger for green
buildings, climbing from 35% in 2012 to
40% in 2015.
● Thetopenvironmentalreasonsforbuild-
ing green were:
● reducing energy consumption was
selected as one of the two top reasons
by 66% of respondents
● protecting natural resources ranked
● reducing water consumption ranked
third at 31%.
10 — April/May 2016 — Build 153
The worldwide green building market is doubling every 3 years.

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