Page 80 - Build 152
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Departments/Research By Colleen Wade, BRANZ Senior Fire Scientist
Fire behaviour of ducts
BRANZ recently investigated the  re performance of HVAC ducting and pipe insulation, reviewing the  re test methods that evaluate how they perform in a  re.
Examples of  exible insulated ducts with plastic or foil facings.
BUILDING CODE requirements for assessing the  re properties of walls, ceilings,  oor coverings and duct materials changed in April 2012.
A new classi cation system using group numbers for reaction to  re was introduced, with further changes that a ected HVAC ducting made in December 2013. These allowed the fire test in AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 Methods for  re tests on building materials, components and structures to be used for ductwork materials.
Ductwork  re tested
The investigation included an experimental programme exposing ductwork installed in a small room to  re. The duct materials were exposed to a gas burner to determine how the ducting performed when exposed to a  re of a size similar to a burning wastepaper basket.
Flexible ducting is commonly used to connect air di user outlets to rigid ductwork in HVAC systems. It is typically limited in length, circular in cross-section and consists of an uninsulated sleeve or a sandwich construction with an inner lining, core insulation and an outer sleeve.
Sleeves are plastic or aluminium foil, and the insulation material is usually a lofted polyester.
Combustible insulation spread  re
This type of  exible ducting was found to readily ignite with a moderate  aming  re and burn quickly. Thin plastic facings burn through, with the polyester insulation melting and dripping to surfaces below. As the ducts melted and collapsed, they did not easily spread  re along the length of the duct, helping to limit the total size of the  re.
Combustible polyester insulation  tted inside a rigid steel duct was also included in the test programme and performed poorly. The steel duct construction resisted collapse but allowed the burning insulation to spread  re more easily inside the ductwork, eventually resulting in a bigger  re.
78 — February/March 2016 — Build 152

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