Page 67 - Build 152
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Homes getting smarter
Rapid advances in networking technology are rede ning what it means to live in a smart home.
HOME AUTOMATION is one of the fastest growing and changing sectors in the building industry. The technological engine room that underpins home automation has advanced to such an extent that today’s systems are almost unrecognisable when compared to the state of the art just a few years ago.
Back then, wired systems were faster and more cost e ective than wireless alternatives, but the speed of Wi-Fi technology has increased many times while its cost has dramatically dropped.
Wireless broadens uptake
Cost has always been one of the main barriers to the widespread uptake of home automation. The di culty of installing the rat’s nest of networking cabling in anything other than a new build carries a signi cant cost and has limited the adoption of more sophisticated home automation systems.
‘The great advantage of using wireless technologies is that you no longer need to rely on cabled network infrastructure, which often has to be installed when the home is built. Wireless systems operate over the air and do not require anywhere near the same degree of cabling,’ says Professor Hans Guesgen. He is Chair in Computer Science and lead researcher in machine learning and smart environments at Massey University.
‘This means that sophisticated home automation systems are no longer solely the domain of high-end bespoke new builds. It is opening the convenience of home automation to anyone who wants it.’
Rise of the smart home
But the surge of faster and easier connections is forcing traditional home automation to give ground to a newer, emerging technology – smart homes.
Home automation can o er homeowners a great deal of conveni- ence. There are systems to control lights and heating remotely, so you can make sure your home is warm and lit when you get home from work.
Build 152 — February/March 2016 — 65

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