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But with insu cient health and safety systems, small businesses can lose out on contracts. This happens in the contracting industry on a regular basis from experience. It is much more prevalent now, as the larger contractors are expected to manage and improve the performance of smaller subcontractors on their sites.
What’s the main message here? It is time that the excuses stop and we get on with it. The new legislation is a great line in the sand. Health and safety needs to be accepted and cool and cause a shift in the way we all think.
Engage employees in H&S
Health and safety isn’t one person, it takes good leadership to ensure success of health and safety within a business.
Managers need to empower all employees. Engaging employees is a good  rst step as they will often have the answers. Managers need to create an environment where their employees feel they are being listened to and where they feel they can make a di erence.
So, if you are gearing up for the new legisation and need to know what to do, let me show you how.
Develop a safety policy
Every SME needs a safety policy. Whether it’s a policy, plan or programme, it’s all the same thing. It is a vital method for keeping your workers safe and avoiding injuries and their associated costs.
Don’t be overwhelmed by legislative requirements and confusing terminology. Keep it simple. There’s a few key activities you’ll need to do to achieve a safe workplace:
● Identifythehazardsandrisksandmonitorthem.
● Communicateandmeetwithyourteam.
● Trainyourteam.
● Investigateanyaccidents.
If you need help, get advice from a competent health and safety organisation, trade associations, WorkSafe or ACC. There are also lots of templates available to make life easier.
Another key group to get advice from is your peers. Have a chat to similar businesses and ask them how they operate their health and safety systems. Chances are they have the answers.
Get informed, help is out there
Workshops and seminars are frequently hosted across the country by organisations and government departments. Most are free, provide expert speakers and allow everyone to share knowledge and take home helpful resources. Keep an eye out for these.
Remember, there isn’t a one size  ts all approach to this. Most of the time you will have the answer in your head. You just need someone to help you articulate it. Once it is integrated into your business, you will start to reap the rewards.
For more Site Safe can assist you with health and safety planning and training –
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